Saturday, 26 January 2008

Questions in my Head

I'm in a dilemma now... I have to make my selection of schools within 2 days... I always thought that I was decided to go to a Polytechnic and study CG or 3D animation, but it looks like I have to rethink this.

My dad spoke to like dunno how many people, and EVERY SINGLE ONE of those he spoke to thinks I should go to a JC and pursue my studies there instead. They all think I have potential and a person of my caliber should be in a JC, or else it's a waste of my abilities. Honestly, I have no idea where to go now.

The sound of footsteps echo in the hallways whilst class is in session;
The sound of the ceaseless rain follows

In such uncertainty, I wonder if we can leave behind everyone's thoughts somewhere;
I wonder how far we will go to protect a single thought.

The ceaseless voices of people are like waves,
Never ending and rather disturbing.

The present continues into the future,
I think...

To add on, I've to get the uniforms for the Sec 1s. I have to do out a consent form, and I'm hoping my senior can get a soft copy of the old consent form for me. I also have to finish up their target test, another thing which takes up much time as well.

God, I need Thy strength. "God gives wings, as eagles... and strength to rise above..."


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